Mask Policy
Face masks are currently RECOMMENDED (but not required)
Read more about the measures being taken to ensure a clean and safe environment
Teach at Seed
I'm so glad you are interested in running your own Pilates business out of Seed Pilates + Movement Training.
Seed was born out of the Covid-19 Pandemic; when the studio that had been my teaching home for 15+ years needed to downsize to survive the turmoil that many small businesses were experiencing, I was laid off with no clue what to do next. I had never thought of operating my own studio, but I couldn't find an existing studio in my area that fit all my needs, so I decided to build a new studio to be everything I was feeling I needed as a Pilates instructor, but couldn't quite find in these new times - a safe space that was warm and inviting to all people (and the occasional furry animal friend) that continued to allow me to operate as my own business.
Renting at Seed is perfect for instructors who are interested in working for themself but don't want the high cost of a lease or equipment. Teaching at Seed, you'll be able to operate autonomously as your own business - you'll have your own business license and liability insurance, you'll bring in your own clients and set your own hours during the agreed upon available times, you'll set and process your own payments and handle your own scheduling. With that said, I'm looking for renters interested in being part of a collective of independent instructors that operate individually out of a shared space but are not each other's competition; there's plenty of room for us all to thrive!
Seed can accommodate 3 students on Reformers or 6 students on mats (up to 9 with Reformers converted) and is generally limited to 1 instructor in the space at a time, allowing you to teach a variety of formats, including private, duet, small group classes, workshops and trainings.
I'll provide the equipment and props, as well as cleaning supplies for you to use - microfiber towels to wipe down the equipment after each use, spray bottles and non-toxic cleaning solution, a dry mop and vacuum for you to use at the end of your teaching block, etc.
If you are a Pilates teacher or teacher in training and just want a space to use for your own practice, Seed has a place for you too. This time can be specially arranged and is for your own personal practice only, not for teaching clients.
If this sound like what you're looking for and are interested in speaking more about renting at Seed, please submit the following interest questionnaire.